
My name is Jordi Bares and I had the luck to work with some exceptionally talented people for some of the world’s top post-production houses under a number of roles; from animator, VFX Supervisor, head of the computer graphics department to my current position as VFX Creative Director.


My interests range from architecture to photography and from animation to food so it is difficult to find a empty moment in my life, too busy enjoying the ride so far and being curious as I am this so far is like a new toy in the hands of a child.

My normal duties are very varied and some times I have the chance to give a conference, I will be posting events which I attend in case you are interested in seeing for yourself the work we do and how is being done.

To check my full portfolio please visit my Vimeo channel at Vimeo Channel

Feel free to email me, i always answer although sometimes takes me a bit of time so be patient.

Jordi Bares jordibares(at)hotmail.com

Jordi Bares Written by:

Jordi Bares is a Creative Director/VFX Supervisor working for Framestore on some amazing projects.